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FedScout - First Search Role

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Fedscout sends newly released federal contracts that meet your search to your inbox so you never miss an opportunity.

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Integrated and automated go/no-go, incumbent, P-Win, and partner analyses help new contractors, junior staff, and busy executives make good decisions fast.

FedScout - Second Search Role 2

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What Our Users Have to Say

I used to feel guilty and afraid that I’d missed a perfect RFP. I’d go to bed saying I’d search for RFPs tomorrow and never would. FedScout has changed all that. Now I see and evaluate every new RFP every day right from my phone while I’m between meetings.

Jack Downes copy

FedScout directs me to the most promising RFPs and once I like an RFP, it alerts my team and they use the calculators to create the information we need to decide whether to pursue. With FedScout, my smart but non-GovCon expert associates are able to move our BD forward.

Jordan Levine

I was using and had no idea how much my bid management experience was missing until FedScout came into my life. I’ll never look at RFPs the same way.

Isaac Stone Fish

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